Thursday, March 19, 2015

Title and Book Cover

Ok, So I am so close to self publishing my debut Adult Fantasy Romance novel, but I am having such a hard time coming up with my title. Why is this so hard? Does anybody else have this issue? My book is about an 'Angel' or being, that appears to humans and reveals the future of two paths which they are having a hard time deciding of which to choose. The people he visits, spend time in future events, getting an idea of what either path will entail, both the bad and the good. In the end, will knowing help them with the choice they are wrestling with? My two title choices are "Angel of Destiny" or "Delivering Fate". Can anyone help me out??? PLEASE :) Also, then I need to choose an image, this is even harder:( My first thought was an image of a chiseled man with wings, but I also like an image with one path dividing into two as you are walking toward a forest. Any Thoughts Here? Any thoughts or advice would be helpful!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Timmy and the Dragon

Hi Everyone, I will soon be self publishing my first Children's Picture Ebook, with illustrations from my awesome cousin Nate :) I will share a link soon. The book is about a boy who makes origami dragons and one comes to life and they have a great adventure. But today I am here to ask a question about origami dragons. I would like to add instructions in the back of the book on how to make an origami dragon, but am not sure which dragon I have made is better. I was hoping you all could help me out in deciding which type of dragon to put into the book. Iwill me making my own version of the directions when I do finally pick one. Thanks for your help!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Angel of Destiny

Hello Everyone, I want to share with you the idea behind my first novel. I have written and am now editing my first and definitely not my last Fantasy Romance Adult Novel. I am very excited to self publish this book soon. I am not sure how it will be received, but have high hopes. Imagine one day you are approached by an Angel of Destiny. He brings you to future points in your life that may or may not happen depending on which path in life you choose. Wouldn't we all love a glimpse of our future when you had to make a choice? Would it help you choose?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Writing Career Day One

Hi Everyone, OK, so this is really not my first day of writing, but it is my first attempt at trying to reach out to the social network world in attempt to become a full-time writer. I have many interests and my path in life has not been about writing, but reading books has been one of my all time favorite things to do all of my life. I have been in the process of writing my first adult book for the past 5 years and am now editing and putting the finishing touches on it. So someday soon I am going to self publish it as an e-book. I could fail miserably, but I am willing to take that chance. I am not one to back down from a challenge and won't start now. Unlike some writers, I am interested in many genres of books. I will be writing many styles and for different ages. I am about to publish my first picture book, Timmy and the Dragon, which is super cute, but I am biased. I have started a young adult science fiction book and a short chapter mysteries book for middle grades. I am very excited to start this journey of my life and invite you to join me. I do hope I don't dissapoint.